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Item #: Hood
Availability: 5-6 weeks processing time - Please call to order
Usually ships In 5-6 weeks
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Price: $59.00
    Velvet Color (Degree Color) *
    Field Color (School Colors) *
    Chevron Color (School Colors) *

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    Custom Hoods

    Hoods are a traditional component of graduation or faculty regalia for Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees. Our brilliant hoods are custom made with your specified colors. They are made with polyester, satin, and velvet materials. They are available in a Bachelor/Master degree size, or a larger Doctoral degree size.

    How to choose your hood colors:

    Velvet: The velvet color represents the field of study in which your are graduating. Refer to the linked color chart below. For example, if you are graduating with a PhD, or Doctorate of Philosophy, your velvet color would be Royal Blue. Please note, colors may vary with each fabric. Color names may also vary with each specific degree. If you have a concern with
    matching colors please call or email for assistance.

    Degree Reference Guide

    Field and Chevron: The field and chevron represent the school colors of the school where you earned your degree. The field would be the more dominant school color. Please contact the school bookstore if you are unsure of the school colors.

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